
Housing & Supported Independent Living

Seton Villa operates seven supported independent living houses in Marsfield, Eastwood and North Ryde. Each house is home to 4-5 residents who are supported to live as independently as possible by our caring and qualified staff. Our specialist disability accommodation houses offer a ‘home style environment’ designed to mirror the look and feel of an everyday family home. Residents are encouraged to assist in making meals and general household chores, along with participating in both individualised and communal leisure activities.

Learn more about Seton Villa’s Housing & Supported Independent Living.


Social & Community Participation

Seton Villa actively supports our residents to choose and participate in a range of fun and productive activities beyond their homes at Seton Villa. Our Quality and Safeguards Manager works with individual to understand their unique needs and goals, enabling active participation at local day activity centres, through supported employment and/or via community engagement with Seton Villa.

Learn more about Seton Villa’s Social & Community Participation.


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