

Tender Funerals Australia gratefully acknowledges the support of our foundational partners

  • Social Enterprise Finance Australia (SEFA)
  • Social Ventures Australia
  • AMP Foundation
  • Ecstra Foundation
  • Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation

We are currently seeking new funding partners to enable:

  • More communities to start a not-for-profit Tender Funerals service.
  • Tender Funerals Australia to continue to provide vital start-up and operational support to Tender Funerals services.

Investing in Tender Funerals directly contributes to creating impact. Tender Funerals services are social enterprises – once a Tender Funerals service achieves financial sustainability (within 4 – 6 years) 100 per cent of profits go towards our mission of providing meaningful, affordable funerals.

Our goal is to achieve 10 Tender Funerals services around Australia by 2025. When all are operational, this will mean:

  • Around 3,000 affordable funerals provided each year.
  • Over $10 million in funeral related costs saved each year.
  • At least 80 jobs and 300 volunteer opportunities created each year, as well as wider small business opportunities.

We welcome conversations with new philanthropic partners who share our vision of ensuring all Australians can access meaningful, affordable funerals.

If you are interested in supporting this national project, please contact us at

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