At Tender Funerals kindness is our compass in everything we do.

Every day our community make informed choices aligned with their own values.

We will always be a not-for-profit and we will always be community owned.

The power of informed choice:

  • Most of us don’t know what we don’t know.
  • Choice starts with a conversation to identify what is needed and what is possible.
  • We encourage all voices to be heard and inform meaningful decisions.
  • We affirm the choice to participate in the way that is right for each person.
  • Informed choice can include pre-planning of after death care and options.
  • Your needs may change as you move through the process, and so your decisions can too. Take all the time you need.

Strength of community:

  • An informed and empowered community knows what to do when one of their own dies.
  • At Tender Funerals we open opportunities for people to recognise and connect with their community to look after their own.
  • We believe people are capable.
  • Capacity is developed as we learn together with knowledge embedded in the community.
  • We are a community venture, existing to redefine value.

Kindness is our compass:


  • It is a kindness to provide transparent options and support people in their decisions as to what is best for them.
  • We walk beside each other to build each other up.
  • At Tender we operate from a place of neutrality – so people can be just as they are.
  • We pride ourselves on operating ethically.