Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Tender unique?

Tender is a non-profit community led funeral services that provides affordable funerals to people in financial need. This offers
those community members fairly priced, meaningful funerals that are customised to their needs. Tender is transparent in our pricing and will present you with all the options so you’re empowered to make the decision that’s right for you. We won’t push you to purchase anything you don’t need and we will listen to what you and your family want.

What services do you provide?

Tender offers a range of services including transport, mortuary care, home care, logistical assistance,cremation, burial and ceremonies

We also have an artists and musicians in residence who work with families and communities in certain locations

Other services, like community education

What does the law say?

Legislation and policies around funerals vary by jurisdiction. It’s important to know what is possible where you live so that you can plan accordingly. For details on the regulation in your jurisdiction, see Chapter 3 of the report below or talk to your local Tender Funerals.
What are the core components of the Tender model?

Tender follows a number of different values and principles, including:

  • We are a non-profit organisation established to support Australians in need
  • We serve community members in financial need from every background, faith and belief system
  • We employ professional and exceptional staff who are committed to the Tender Model
  • We have a team of committed volunteers who work alongside our staff in all aspects of our work
  • We believe in transparency
  • We believe every individual should know all the options available to them and be empowered and supported to choose what’s right for them and their family/friends
  • We believe in involving family and friends in the experience as much as they feel comfortable
  • We believe in engaging the broader community and leveraging the strengths that community members are willing to share
  • We believe in running a financially sustainable service so that we can continue providing support to those in financial need

How much does a funeral cost?

The costs of funerals varies substantially across the country based on the funeral service you work with, the services you require, and whether or not you would like to be cremated (as opposed to burial, which is often far more expensive). According to one source, the average funeral in Australia can cost between $4,000 for a basic cremation to around $15,000 for a more formal celebration complete with casket, burial and flowers.[1] Furthermore, according to a recent report by Australian Seniors, the cost of funerals is only increasing, creating a substantial financial toll on many families.

Tender operates using a not-for-profit model. The cost of a Tender funeral varies based on what you chose in terms of services and products. Our average funeral is between $3,000 and $4,500. We provide our services to those in need, and only charge what is costs to deliver the services requested. Clients in severe financial need may be able to access further support to lower the cost of the funeral. Clients who have financial means may be offered a funeral at a price which enables Tender Funerals to generate income and go on providing funerals to those in need.

With this in mind, the prices for our services will vary slightly based on location, as the cost to deliver the services varies by location. We Believe that transparency is critical, so we openly share our pricing with anyone that is interested. Please contact your local Tender for a pricing list and for support in identifying what services might be most appropriate for you.


How does Tender keep their costs down?

We work collaboratively with the community and our clients to keep costs as low as possible while continuing to provide a meaningful and affordable personalised service. In most cases, the funerals will be provided at cost.

How is Tender funded?

Tender is self-sustaining business. We cover the cost of operating through the fees we charge for our services. While we don’t aim to make a profit, we believe in financial sustainability.

In starting-up Tender, we received funding from community fundraising efforts and a few philanthropic grants. We also secured a loan from Social Enterprise Finance Australia (SEFA) to assist in the purchase of our building.

In order to ensure financial sustainability, we provide a limited number of funerals to those who can afford to pay at a margin above cost price. This additional revenue goes back into the business to ensure we continue to deliver high-quality services to those in need while enabling repayment of the loan, fairly paying staff and purchasing quality products.

How many Tenders are there?

At the moment, there is only one Tender in operation, and that Tender is located in Port Kembla. Tender Illawarra & Sydney has operated since 2016 and has provided hundreds of funerals to the community. We are currently working with a number of other communities to establish Tenders across Australia, including Canberra/Queanbeyan, Tasmania, Mid-North Coast, Perth/Fremantle, etc.

Who does Tender work with?

We serve community members in financial need. We work with individuals from a variety of backgrounds and belief systems to offer culturally appropriate and meaningful ceremonies. This is one of our unique features. We believe that funerals are not a “one size fits all” occasion. Funerals should incorporate the beliefs, values, and sentiments of the individual that has died and the loved ones farewelling them.

How broad a geographic area can a Tender service?

We a generally able to service a two hour radius around the physical Tender location. For Tender Illawarra and Sydney, we are able to service southern Sydney, down to Nowra, the outer Southern Highlands and up to Western Sydney.

If we’re interested in a Tender here in our local community, how would that work?

As part of the process, we would suggest you establish a working group of interested and engaged individuals to help drive the work forward. Tender’s approach to expansion has community development at its heart, so the community will be doing a good deal of the work to get their local Tender started, with support from the central organisation, Tender Funerals Australia. Tender Funerals Australia engages with local sites using a social franchising agreement. As part of this relationship, Tender Funerals Australia would provide sites with the required IP, capacity building support, and fundraising support.

For more information on how to set-up a Tender in your community, see our Want to start a Tender page.

How can I get involved?

Tender Funerals is truly a community undertaking. Support from the community has been the bedrock of our success. We are often looking for various types of support, including donations, volunteer support, and pro bono legal support. Whatever your skills/strengths, we’d love to get you involved. Please reach out to your local Tender or Tender Funerals Australia (

How can I learn more?

For general information, please reach out to Tender Funerals Australia ( We’ve also done a number of media spots on our work, including a recent piece on The Project. Check them out on our media page!

Your local Tender is also an incredible source of information on what’s happening with your local Tender And how the work is progressing. Feel free to reach out and engage them as well!