At Tender Funerals, we believe funerals and funeral care should be meaningful, authentic, and affordable.

Tender Funerals is a not-for-profit funeral service that ensures that those experiencing financial hardship/distress are able to access personalised, meaningful and affordable funerals. We also provide community education and empowerment around after death care.

We provide a full range of services across after death care, funeral/celebration arrangements and body disposal options – many based on sustainable principles – which enable you to have a much greater say in how your loved one is cared for after death. We encourage practices that promote healing.

A community venture, we operate in ways that do not leave community members with large debt. We don’t take shortcuts and always put people and relationships first.

Our Vision

Tender Mid North Coast communities are empowered to embrace death as a natural part of the life cycle and are enabled to care for their dead in affordable and meaningful ways that facilitate healthy bereavement.


FOR ENQUIRIES: 02 5527 8144 (24hrs/7days)

Donate to Us

Tender Funerals Mid North Coast is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. This means any donations made to us are tax deductible. We gratefully receive donations via our bank account if you feel moved to support our valuable work in the communities we serve.

Please use the account details below to donate to Tender Funerals Mid North Coast. We wholeheartedly thank you for your support. If you wish to be acknowledged for your donation or require a receipt, please email us at midnorthcoast@tenderfunerals.com.au

Account Name: Tender Funerals Mid North Coast Ltd.
BSB: 932-000
Account: 100458664