
Tender Funerals 2021 Year in Review

In 2021 Tender Funerals Australia and the Tender Funerals Network achieved some significant milestones. We saw Tender Funerals Illawarra and Sydney celebrate its fifth birthday and construction start on our first replication on the NSW Mid North Coast. We finalised our unique social franchising agreement. We formed a strong and skilled team at Tender Funerals Australia to support and grow the Network. And our sites in development – in Canberra, Far North Queensland, Perth and Tasmania – all made strong progress in their journeys towards start-up. 

Our 2021 Year in Review report can be downloaded below.  

Tender Funerals 2021 Impact Report

In 2021 Tender Funerals conducted an evaluation of our social impact. Over the last five years, Tender has:

  • delivered over 1,000 affordable funerals to families across Illawarra and Sydney, saving the community around $5.8 million.
  • employed 16 staff, 17 celebrants and 4 artists in residence.
  • engaged over 110 local volunteers in its set up and operations. 

Outcomes achieved for families and communities from the Tender model included:

  • healthier bereavement for individuals and families.
  • less funeral-related debt. 
  • increased capacity of families and communities to support each other through loss.
  • individuals and families feeling empowered and respected through the after-death process.

 Our 2021 Impact Report can be downloaded below.