
Tender Funerals can help with the ceremony as little or as much as you require. There is no legal requirement for you to use a celebrant –anyone can take on this role. If you require this sort of assistance, we can help. We suggest you supply your own flowers and encourage you to create whatever you think would be the perfect goodbye for your person.

Our Community Remembers

Each year Tender Funerals holds its own annual memorial event, ‘Our Community Remembers’. This is a time to gather and remember those who have lost someone, be it recently or long ago. You don’t need to have had a Tender Funeral to join us in remembering. Everyone is welcome.

Held around the time of the Winter Solstice when days begin to lengthen and the hours of night lessen, we come together in remembrance at this turning point from dark to light.
‘Our Community Remembers’ is held at the Mt Keira Girl Guide Camp on Mt Keira Road, Mt Keira. It is a tranquil setting, surrounded by the beautiful bushland of the Illawarra Escarpment.

There will be ceremony, singing and a performance by the Tender Community Choir, art making activities, the opportunity to contribute to a mandala of remembrance and the sharing of sacred food. There will be fire to warm us and to remind us of the coming light of longer days.

We invite you to rug up and wear warm clothes. Bring a picnic blanket or chair and a plate of food for sharing, food that is sacred to you and your loved ones.