Tender Illawarra and Sydney

At Tender Funerals, we believe funerals and funeral care should be meaningful, authentic, and affordable.


Tender Funerals is a not-for-profit funeral service that ensures that those experiencing financial hardship/distress are able to access personalised, meaningful and affordable funerals.

Every person is unique, and their funeral should reflect this. We provide a range of services across after death care, funeral/celebration arrangements and body disposal options – many based on sustainable principles – which enable you to have a much greater say in how your loved one is treated after death.

A community venture, we operate in ways they do not leave community members with large debt. We don’t take shortcuts and always put people and relationships first.

We encourage practices that promote healing, including participating in any aspects of the funeral processes should you chose. For those who want to participate in this last significant rite of passage, it can be an enriching and life-affirming experience. Or, should you prefer, we can care for your loved one on your behalf.

Contact Tender Illawarra and Sydney

Tender Funerals Illawarra and Sydney can be reached at:

BY PHONE  02 4276 1611

BY EMAIL  Illawarra@tenderfunerals.com.au 

IN PERSON  99 Military Road, Port Kembla, NSW, 2505 (please call in advance of visiting)

Alternatively you can engage through tender funerals Tender Funerals Illawarra and Sydney Facebook

Our Vision

Tender Funerals Illawarra and Sydney is located in Port Kembla, serving a two-hour radius, including southern Sydney.  We have been in operation since 2016 and have delivered hundreds of personalised, meaningful funerals in that time.

Tender Funerals is a not-for-profit funeral service that ensures that those experiencing financial hardship/distress are able to access personalised, meaningful and affordable funerals

Tender Funerals is part of the community movement towards reclaiming the rites around death and dying, one of life’s most important experiences. For those who want to participate in this last significant rite of passage, it can be an enriching and life-affirming experience. We hope to empower people to take control of their dying, their deaths and their funerals.

We offer a caring, compassionate and highly personalised approach to after death care, funeral/celebration arrangements and body disposal options and can assist you to carry out these loving, time-honoured practices either in your own home or somewhere else with personal significance, or we can care for your loved one on your behalf at our premises in Port Kembla.

How You Can Support Tender Illawarra and Sydney

Donate to Illawarra and Sydney
Financial and In Kind Support

Tender Funerals Illawarra and Sydney welcomes financial or in kind support.

Donate to Tender

Please use the accounts details below to donate to Tender Funerals Illawarra

Account Name: Tender Funerals
BSB: 641-800
Account: 200 709 103


Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. Tender offers a community-based service and we seek input from volunteers to keep our services low cost and accessible. If you have experience in any of the following areas, we would love to hear from you:

Building maintenance
General office administration
Family support