How is Tender Funerals different?

Unlike most funeral providers, Tender Funerals services are not for profit, community owned and focused on providing meaningful and affordable services. Our mission is to provide affordable and beautiful funerals without compromising the quality of the process and experience for grieving friends and family.

We operate using a not-for-profit model. We only charge what it costs to deliver the services requested. The average cost of a Tender funeral is between $3,000 and $4,500.

Tender Funerals services are community owned. An expression of interest to start a Tender Funerals must come from a community. The community is involved at every step of establishing and operating the service.

Why do we need affordable funerals?

Funerals are a major cause of financial hardship in Australia, especially for people experiencing financial disadvantage. Choice Magazine found the average cost of the cheapest funeral package from the leading commercial funeral providers is between $5,600 and $9,100. Anecdotally we have heard of people paying up to $15,000 for a funeral.

The high cost of funerals means many families go into debt to pay for a funeral or aren’t able to have the funeral they want to have. They may choose cremation because they believe a burial is too expensive or opt for a lower-cost funeral package from a commercial provider that doesn’t meet their, or their loved one’s wishes.

Tender Funerals is different from other funeral services in that our model supports families to have the funeral that’s right for them at an affordable cost.

What is a meaningful funeral and why is it important?

A meaningful funeral reflects the wishes of the person who has passed away, their family and community. What this looks like is different for everyone.

Most commercial funeral providers have one-size-fits-all funeral packages that don’t offer choice to families. They also assume that people don’t want to be involved in the funeral process.

Tender Funerals empowers people to choose the funeral that’s right for them and to participate in the process as much as they would like. People tell us that participating in the funeral and after-death process can be a deeply meaningful and healing experience. Or if preferred, we can care for their loved one on their behalf. Ultimately we are focused on enabling people to have the funeral experience they want to have.

How does Tender Funerals work?

Tender Funerals services are not-for-profits and operate as franchises of Tender Funerals Australia. All Tender Funerals services are part of the Tender Funerals Network.

Tender Funerals has developed a unique social franchising agreement that binds Network members to operate in accordance with the principles of the Tender Funerals Credo, Vision Statement, business model and manual. Their common aim is to ensure that people in financial need are able to access affordable, customisable funeral services.

Where does Tender Funerals operate?

Tender Funerals Illawarra and Sydney has been operating successfully since 2016. Tender Funerals services are currently being established in:

  • Canberra
  • Far North Queensland
  • Mid-North Coast, NSW
  • Newcastle
  • Perth
  • Tasmania

Who supports Tender Funerals?

Tender Funerals Australia and the Tender Funerals Network are supported by:

  • Social Ventures Australia
  • Social Enterprise Finance Australia
  • Philanthropic foundations including the AMP Foundation, Ecstra Foundation, Snow Foundation and the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation
  • Community donations through crowdfunding campaigns and events

How can I get involved?

Tender Funerals is truly a community undertaking. Support from the community is core to our existence. Tender communities are often looking for various kinds of support including donations, volunteers and pro bono legal advice. We encourage you to get in touch with your local Tender group to see how you might get involved (see Our Locations). 

If you think you might be interested in starting a Tender in your community, please go to Start a Tender.